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January 6, 2008

Academic Probation an "Undeniable Fascist Tool" to Campus Rebel

(Granville, OH) Denison University film major Brad Isikoff, long a local outcast who epitomizes "one man's fight against the machine," decried as "fascist tactics" efforts to keep Isikoff on academic probation.

"Face it - the weapon of the dictator is never so much propaganda as the use of censorship," Isikoff declared to passersby. "Denison University hopes to silence me through academic censorship, proving that universities are just cogs in the worldwide fascist regime."

Isikoff described the university's decision as evidence of the "misery of global capitalism."

"Listen up - this process of capitalist restructuring, which has been underway for over two decades, but one aim: permanently destroying the established centers of proletarian power," he railed. "This so-called 'academic probation' is a thinly-veiled effort at attacking the core of proletarian revolt here in Granville. Even more bogus is the fact that persons sympathetic to the revolution - nmely my parents - are threatening to withdraw critical logistical and financial support. Way uncool, that."

The university's attempts to collect on last semester's balance, added Isikoff, amounted to "primitive fetishism."

"Denison's trumped-up 'tuition bill' is the classic example of fictitious capital: paper claims of wealth in excess of the total available surplus value," he noted. "And what does it mean when companies like GE and GM now earn more profits from their financial divisions than they do from production? Denison University is but a microcosm of the problems faced by the proletariat around the globe, and the sooner we torch this accumulative Leviathan known as Denison the better, I say."


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