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December 30, 2007

Frat Brother Secretly Hopes New Year's Bash Turns Into Another All Night Cock Orgy

Ferguson (lower center) getting liquored up and horny with frat brothers at 2006 bash

(State College, PA) One member of the Penn State fraternity Alpha Tau Omega is hoping that his Greek brothers engage in a repeat of last year's "epic" New Year's bash.

Kyle Ferguson, a junior engineering major, said that the 2006 ATΩ festivities turned from "rowdy partying" to "serious sexing" as the night wore on.

"Now, straight up? None of us are gay," he told Codependent Collegian reporters as the fraternity house prepped for the party. "But some crazy shit happened last year, and I for one am pulling hard for orgiastic repirse, if you know what I mean."

Ferguson said the fraternity engaged in quite a bit of "M-M-M-F craziness" that heightened his sexual pleasure.

"Now, normally I wouldn't be found near another guy's crotch, but something about the techno and the Cuervo had us all stroking dick and slurping cock," he recalled. "But going at it with each other while we waited for an Alpha Sig slut to be free was the only thing between us and sexual insanity, you know?"

Most of the fraternity members, noted Ferguson, were "so falling-down wasted" that they can't remember all of the details of the night.

"But I've been waiting for this night for 364 days, and I remember everything," he boasted. "I never felt so alive as when I slid up next to [fraternity brother] Zeke and let him start ramming my ass. But it was cool, because after he drilled me, he went at it with [Alpha Sig president] Abbey Schmidt, so it's all good."

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