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December 3, 2007

10-12 Hours of World of Warcraft is Good Exam Preparation

By Bradley Shore,
University of Michigan Class of 2011

Look, I know that most of you in the fraternity and my dorm are convinced that I am some kind of World of Warcraft addict, but the truth is that WoW can totally work as a tool for exam preparation.

Take my Geography class, for example. Where else can I get such detailed information about Azeroth's two main continents, the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor? If I wasn't playing WoW, I'd have no frigging idea that to the northwest of Kalimdor are the Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isles, and Teldrassil.

Otherwise, I would probably have drawn a total blank on a question like that.

Or my Econ course, to which I must admit I haven't attended since mid-November. If I get a question on merchant capitalism, I am going to completely smack a grand slam with my knowledge of Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning, or the crafting professions like Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring, Alchemy, Engineering, Enchanting, and Jewelcrafting.


Sociology? I am totally down with information on Humans, Night Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Draenei, Orcs, Tauren, Undead, Trolls and Blood Elves. And after that nasty Corrupted Blood plague incident, I can answer any shit that my pre-med instructor can throw at me.

And really: just because I play WoW online most of the day does not mean I have an addiction- I can quit any time I want! I’m not addicted. I just choose to do it because I like it, and I just don't have anything better to do right now. So, could you do me a favor and just back off?

Gotta cram for finals here.

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