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July 17, 2007

Once Upon a Rented House

Subcomandante Bob was not always a perpetually drunken denizen of Toledo-area homeless shelters. Why, there was once a time when Bob had so much cash that he began to invest in instruments through which large sums of money could readily disappear, like real estate.

Bob owned a duplex on the south side of Toledo that may have been one of the all-time worst investments. Not only did he spend over $50,000 fixing up this roach-infested building, but Bob's bad luck with tenants was such that he seemed to attract a steady stream of troublemaking, rent-avoiding lowlifes. One couple even stripped their half of the duplex for everything of value, including metal pipes, copper wiring, and this dusty old picture of the Lord Jesus Christ that Bob picked up at a garage sale, and even though it was clearly not a Rembrandt, Bob grew quite fond of this iconic piece of religious art, and if he so much as sees those Jesus-stealing punks again, let's just say that there will be a flurry of high-powered rounds of ammunition a-flying until said Christ Painting is returned.

Anyways, the point of all this rambling is the website known as Rentals.com. The company helps landlords and tenants find the right properties and lessees for each other, and offers a searchable database that can help you pinpoint properties for rent in your area. Follow the above link to learn how you can make Rentals.com work for you.

Hi thanks for sharing thiss
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