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April 12, 2007

Seattle Med Student "Pretty Sure" Idol Sanjaya Was His Old Cabbie

Left: Sanjaya may have had secret life as a Seattle cabbie

(Seattle) The dubiously talented singer Sanjaya Malakar survived another elimination on the hit show American Idol, as fans instead chose to send home Haley Scarnato, of San Antonio.

An University of Washington med student, however, believes that Sanjaya is actually a local cab driver named Niranjan Singh.

"Oh yeah - there's no doubt it's Niranjan," said Patrick Lorrigan. "Dude picked me up every Friday night for 26 weeks while I was doing my clinicals at the UW Medical Center. The way he said 'Besame' last night sounded just like how he used to say 'Bertona Street, Mr. Lorrigan?' when he picked me up."

Lorrigan said that Sanjaya/Niranjan has always been an avid singer, especially as he navigated through Seattle's thoroughfares.

"Even back then the guy was a lounge-singer wannabe, tapping beats slightly off-tempo on the dashboard," chuckled the intern. "I'll say this much - the crazy bastard has enthusiasm."

Left: Lorrigan is "100 percent sure" Sanjaya used to shuttle him around Seattle in a cab

Lorrigan said that, while he has no plans to make a "big deal" out of Sanjaya's hidden past, he remains convinced that he knows his Seattle cabbies.

"Listen - when you ride in a closed cab in the winter with somebody for six months, you get to know them pretty well," he said. "And, with all that coriander and tumeric he dumps on his chicken tikka, you can smell him before you see him."

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