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February 5, 2007

Pilgrim to Teach Porn Course for University of Phoenix

Billy Pilgrim - author, addict, academic, and acknowledged expert on pornographyPilgrim’s Progress: From addict, to writer, to professor

(Washington, D.C.)—Billy Pilgrim, the hard-nosed “rogue” reporter who has remained one of America’s most doggedly committed journalists despite controversy and addiction, has just announced that he will venture into academe by teaching an online course for the University of Phoenix during their upcoming summer session.

The course, COM 473: Pornography, the Internet, and You , is the first of its kind at an accredited four-year university, and Pilgrim seems more than eager to impart his vast knowledge to a younger generation of scholars and social critics.

“This is a remarkable opportunity, and I am indebted to the University of Phoenix for their sincere interest in my instructional abilities,” Pilgrim intoned earlier this morning to a small, makeshift audience on the steps of the Smithsonian’s Museum of Natural History. “I hope, in some small way, that this summer course will enlighten and deepen our national discourse on pornography. Plus, I get share some of my PowerPoints on bondage, so that’s pretty cool.”

Logo for the University of Phoenix University of Phoenix: Granting meaningless degrees since 1976

Phoenix spokesperson Theresa Grimes echoed Pilgrim’s enthusiasm about this cutting edge approach to the study of communications.

“Billy’s a genius, there’s no doubt about that, and he knows enough about porn to fill the ancient library at Alexandria,” Grimes noted while sipping a latte. “That, and like, he was the only applicant we interviewed who was willing to take the job for a $1200 honorarium. For someone in recovery, he’s certainly still obsessed with sexual gratification.”

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