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December 20, 2006

Prof Wonders if New Korean Assistant Prof is Good at Massages, Too

economics professor (Austin, TX) University of Texas economics professor Greg Prostakovich has been very impressed with the performance this semester of newly-hired assistant professor Ji Lee Sun.

"Her work on the nexus between social limits and macroeconomic growth is groundbreaking," he said. "But I really dig looking at her long, luscious legs in those black nylons. Gr-r-r-r-r!"

Prostakovich said that Sun has been "a blessing" to the UT economics department since her appointment in August.

"She has attended every department meeting, and made herself available to the graduate students," he acknowledged. "And what I wouldn't give for just ten minutes in a sauna with her. Damn - I bet she looks even better naked than she does in those short skirts she wears on Tuesdays to the mall."

Korean professor Prostakovich could show her some serious growth, if you know what he means

The tenured economics professor said that his only previous contact with a Korean woman has been at a local business.

"Her name was Cherry, and she worked miracles on my lower lumbar region," he said. "I'll bet all Korean woman are born with magic fingers. I think it's in their blood or something."

One of the difficulties in getting to know Sun better, said Prostakovich, is that of language and culture.

"She smiles at me sometimes in the hallway, and I never know if she's just being polite, or if she really wants to just go nuts on me, right there next to the copy machine," he said, shaking his head. "It's kind of like that movie I was watching last week, Sex-Crazed Korean Sluts . One minute they are putting on the polite act, and the next they are wild animals in fishnet stockings. The suspense is killing me."

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