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March 18, 2006

Students Ditch "Amazing Break" Hurricane Relief

(New Orleans, LA) Finding volunteer hurricane relief work "really lame," a group of Purdue University juniors departed in search of a better time.

"Hurricanes suck and all, but they were working us like Hebrew slaves," said Matt Perryman of Terre Haute. "We thought we could pound a few nails, haul some drywall, and then go out and have some fun, but these dickwads wanted us to work like 8-hour days. Fuck that."

About 4,000 students applied for "The Amazing Break," which is MTV's first venture into an alternative spring break, and 100 were chosen. Perryman said the project coordinators were "closet Nazis."

"If I wanted to get jacked around all day I would have gone home for break," he said. "Plus the only chicks who showed up for this thing were a bunch of Campus Crusade for Christ freaks with Jesus on the brain."

Perryman was appalled by the conditions in the area.

"There were piles and piles of yard waste and rank-ass trash collected from the storm on the sides of the roads," he said. "I said: 'You want me to pick up WHAT?' There's a limit to my generosity - what if I find a body or some weird shit like that. No way, Paco."

Left: Things got better for Perryman and pals

Perryman said that the trip improved after the trio left the relief campaign.

"My stepmom wired me $1,000 and we got a room in the French Quarter," he reminisced. "I don't know what came over us when we signed up for that cleanup bullshit, but at least we got six days to unwind before heading back to class. Thank God - that could have been a real nightmare." Paris Hilton

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