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March 30, 2006

Student Wonders if Jill Carroll Would Go Out With Him

(Washington, DC) American journalist Jill Carroll was freed in Iraq on Thursday, nearly three months after being kidnapped in Baghdad.

That news has Georgetown junior education major Tad Cochrane hopeful for dating prospects.

"I know she just got released and everything, but do you think I should call her?" he asked. "We haven't actually met, so that's a problem, but I could stop by the Christian Science Monitor and ask around."

Officials at the Iraqi Islamic Party said the journalist was delivered to their office in Baghdad's Amriya district at noon Baghdad time today. Cochrane said that he hoped that she is able to catch up on sleep before she came home.

Left: Journalist Jill Carroll, freed by terrorists but not looking her freshest

"I thought Jill was totally hot in the bio picture on the Net, but she had like big bags under her eyes in the terrorist photos," he said. "I'm not Mr. Perfect myself, but she kinda looked like a zombie with those dark circles. Maybe she could use a light concealing makeup or something, I don't know."

Cochrane had one other concern before he would agree to date the reporter.

"I know she said she was treated well by her captors, but you never know," he said. "I'm not sure I would want to - you know - be someplace where some smelly terrorist had already been. I'm a pretty understanding guy, but I have my standards." Paris Hilton

that dude looks like the biggest preppy douche of all time
Ouch - that was rough.
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