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April 18, 2006

Student Finds Katrina Survivors Great in Bed

(Baton Rouge, LA) Sherman Loeffler, a junior at Louisiana State University, has found a unique demographic for dating: women who survived Hurricane Katrina.

"Katrina chicks are the best - they really appreciate anything you do for them," said Loeffler. "While sorority girls would look at you funny if you took them to Burger King, a Katrina survivor is grateful even if you make them order from the dollar menu."

Loeffler said that the tricky sexual negotiations associated with traditional relationships are not present with Katrina survivors.

"You waltz in with a couple of rolls of toilet paper, some cans of sardines, and a tube of toothpaste, and they think you are Brad Pitt," he chuckled. "And they screw like crazed rabbits once you get them talking about their flood experiences."

Loeffler does not feel guilty about his techniques.

"Hey man - is this really any worse than pretending like you are a lawyer or a doctor to pick up someone at a bar?" he asked. "I don't think so. Hurricane victims like some security, and I give it to them in an upfront manner. Besides, flowers die and you can only eat so much chocolate." Proof Eminem

I could not believe what I just read. You should be ashamed of yourself for even posting that type of comment. People have enough to go through from the negative experiences of hurricane Katrina. You must be insecure with your own self if you have to find a woman who is already distressed because of the hurricane. You just need to have more respect for women. I hope that you will come to a point when you do not have to depend on finding weaknesses in women in order to have them date you. You should be confident in what you have to offer.
It's SATIRE, doofus.

Look up the word in the dictionary, and you will learn something.
Great post, even more amusing complaint from Anonymous. I come here for practical advice just such as this!
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